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There are a couple ways to limit answers to a geographic area.

By City and State:
Just add the name of the City and the two letter State abbreviation to your query. For example: "museum* cleveland oh" will produce a list of sites that mention museums and are located in Cleveland, Ohio. If you omit the "Cleveland" the the whole state would be searched.

By Zip Code:
The query "museum* zip:441*" will force the engine to restrict the answers to sites that have a zip code beginning with 441. It is generally true that three digit Zip prefixes will capure areas that are close to one another, but not restricted to a City boundary.

Don't know the Zip code?
Just do a search for the City and State abbreviation. The list of answers will show you Zip codes that are encompassed by that City.

About Wildcard (*) Searches:
The Web Site Catalog will allow you to use the wildcard as long as the search string is longer than 2 characters. Using a '*' at the end of a word will find all things that begin with that word.

Two letter state abbreviations:

State                      Abbreviation

ALABAMA                         AL
ALASKA                          AK
ARIZONA                         AZ
ARKANSAS                        AR
CALIFORNIA                      CA
COLORADO                        CO
CONNECTICUT                     CT
DELAWARE                        DE
FLORIDA                         FL
GEORGIA                         GA
HAWAII                          HI
IDAHO                           ID
ILLINOIS                        IL
INDIANA                         IN
IOWA                            IA
KANSAS                          KS
KENTUCKY                        KY
LOUISIANA                       LA
MAINE                           ME
MARYLAND                        MD
MASSACHUSETTS                   MA
MICHIGAN                        MI
MINNESOTA                       MN
MISSISSIPPI                     MS
MISSOURI                        MO
MONTANA                         MT
NEBRASKA                        NE
NEVADA                          NV
NEW HAMPSHIRE                   NH
NEW JERSEY                      NJ
NEW MEXICO                      NM
NEW YORK                        NY
NORTH CAROLINA                  NC
NORTH DAKOTA                    ND
OHIO                            OH
OKLAHOMA                        OK
OREGON                          OR
PENNSYLVANIA                    PA
RHODE ISLAND                    RI
SOUTH CAROLINA                  SC
SOUTH DAKOTA                    SD
TENNESSEE                       TN
TEXAS                           TX
UTAH                            UT
VERMONT                         VT
VIRGINIA                        VA
WASHINGTON                      WA
WEST VIRGINIA                   WV
WISCONSIN                       WI
WYOMING                         WY

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